Why Emotional Intelligence Is So Important For Your Career Journey

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Oftentimes, we hear the term IQ or intelligence quotient being brought up and used in the context to describe one’s intellectual capabilities based on tests and tasks given. Don’t get me wrong, technical skills and qualifications are undoubtedly crucial to career development. However, as important as it is, there is also a need to discuss something that often gets overlooked, and that would be EQ (also known as emotional intelligence). 

EQ plays such an impactful role, yet it’s less frequently mentioned or talked about, especially when it comes to recruitment and career advancement. Regardless of where you are personally or professionally in life or your career pathway, it’s worth talking about. We’ll discuss what it is, why it matters, and how one can cultivate and improve their EQ.

What Exactly Is EQ?

EQ essentially is the all-encompassing ability to, perceive, recognize, interpret, respond, manage, and utilize our emotions. It’s a part of the decisions we make, how we react to certain situations, and even the thoughts we have.

When we think of EQ, it may be easy to apply the same concept of IQ and think that we’re born with or only capable of reaching a certain threshold. Although that may be true for some cases, EQ can be seen as an array of skills and characteristics, not a fixed trait. Like any other skill, it is something that can be learned and strengthened if worked on. It may not reach the point of perfection or even advancement levels as some are born with higher levels, but there’s always room for growth.

It comprises of many components discovered by Daniel Goleman, a psychologist and researcher on emotional intelligence. Let’s explore below the 5 different components:

  • Self-awareness - This is the ability to introspectively recognize and understand not only one’s thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and motivations, but also the effect it has. Because self-awareness is the reflection and perception of who you are, there is a need for identification, acknowledgment, and acceptance of the strengths and weaknesses you have for yourself. 
  • Self-regulation - This is also known as self-control or self-management; it is the ability to regulate and manage your emotions. No matter how big or small a threat is to our emotions, flight or fight is a natural response that we all have, and this skill is usually the one where a lot of us could use some practice and mastery. Reaching an optimal level should result in self-confidence, impulse control, self-discipline, and the potential to express emotions appropriately at the right time and place.
  • Motivation - The two different kinds of motivations are intrinsic motivation (driven by inherent enjoyment and fulfillment from within) and extrinsic motivation (driven by incentives like wealth, fame, power, and recognition). People with emotional intelligence generally lean more on the side of having intrinsic motivation because they make choices and decisions in the absence of external stimuli. 
  • Empathy - We know that to understand and share the feelings, emotions, perspectives, and experiences of others, social awareness is a must. It takes active listening and seeing things from a different point of view to truly understand the other person. Possessing empathy also demonstrates a sensitivity to emotions and the ability to notice body language and facial expressions. 
  • Social Skills - This can also called effective communication, and it can include being an approachable person, a strong follower or a team player, and a relationship builder. Being able to manage relationships will require strengths such as conflict resolution, collaboration, and most importantly, respect. 

Collectively, these different components, when joined together, form the foundation of emotional intelligence.

Understanding Why EQ Is Fundamental

EQ has many purposes and applications in the workplace in addition to everyday life. It’s rare to see usage in only one area of life and refrained from other areas. Because it’s such a powerful predictor of success, we need to cautiously assess how we can utilize emotional intelligence in the many situations and circumstances we are placed in. 

Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of this attribute in the work environment along with our everyday routine.

Workplace Benefits

  • Improved Leadership Skills - Regardless of whether or not someone is a natural-born leader, having emotional intelligence will help employees inspire trust, communicate effectively, and lead with an empathetic heart to serve at any level of the organization.
  • Enhanced Customer Relations - If the industry requires keeping customer relations, employees with (higher) EQ are better able to understand the needs and concerns of the customers. Consequently, this allows companies to provide a personalized service that fosters trust, loyalty, and overall satisfaction.
  • Effective Decision Making - Decisions are necessary whether it’s on a small or larger scale; both are important. When it comes to organizational decisions, EQ equips those to be both rational and emotional without letting one overpower the other. There is also a sense of taking into account the impact that decisions have on the customers, employees, and organization.

Everyday Life Benefits 

  • Personal Growth - Striving for higher EQ should bring forth continuous learning, which is important for growing as an individual. When we can identify and acknowledge our weaknesses and leverage our strengths, it creates an environment where personal development and self-improvement are possible. 
  • Improved Well-Being and Mental Health - So often we neglect our mental health because of competing factors like work, family, school, physical health, and many more. Prioritizing EQ will help play a role in more effective stress management, emotional regulation, and a healthier sense of motivation.
  • Resilience and Adaptability - As a result of honing EQ, individuals develop strength for the setbacks and challenges of life. They can easily bounce back from a setback and adapt to the changes. Even in the midst of adversity, having EQ will help sustain an individual with optimism and a positive outlook on life.

Exploring The Next Steps

  • Take multiple EQ tests
  • Assess the results and focus on strengths and weaknesses
  • Research career growth opportunities
  • Seek guidance and support from others






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