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14 Things only people who have worked overseas can understand

Some two and a half years ago, I decided to make a bold decision and follow my partner to the far away land of art, cheese, and fine wine — France. He had just landed a five-year work contract there. While a long-distance relationship did take place at first, eventually I decided to sort out all the loose ends at home, pack up my entire life into two suitcases, and move to another country...

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15 quick tips to get hired fast

Are you in a hurry to get a job? There are some things that don't take a lot of time that can help you get hired quickly. Here are 15 things you should know about job hunting that will help you find a new job fast. Some of the things on the list are little things that make a difference. Others are significant enough that they can make or break your job search. Review the list to see if ther...

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3 Challenges of working abroad

Travel isn't always comfortable—and it shouldn't be. I believe that if you're not struggling, you're not growing. Being completely outside of your comfort zone and learning along the way is a rewarding experience in itself. There are so many challenges that I've had while working abroad in Korea. I've gone past the honeymoon phrase, and am now riding an emotiona...

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Problems you will encounter when working abroad

If you were to take most travel blogs at face value you would be forgiven if you thought that working abroad was a constant barrage of fun times and memorable experiences. While there may be some of those moments, the reality is that you will likely face even more difficult situations than an equivalent job in your home country. No matter what way you choose to earn your income abroad, these ar...

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Here's Why You Should Live Abroad At Least Once In Your Life

It seems right now you can’t open Facebook/Instagram/YouTube for all the stories of people who’ve quit their jobs and are traveling the world, fueled by their total determination to say ‘screw you daily grind, I’m gonna get me some traveling action’. You hate these people, but you also wish more than anything that you could be one of them. Take it from someone w...

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10 reasons to stay at a job for 10 or more years

As business owner I have a lot of incentive to keep our talented people around. But as an employee, I believe you can progress much better, both financially and in skills, by staying in one place instead of jumping around. The whole idea and philosophy of the “perfect job” could be blinding you from the even bigger opportunity to magnify the position you already have.I maintain that...

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5 Ways to Transform From Mediocrity to Excellence

Who doesn’t want to be the next “thing” to hit it to the next level; whether it’s in your career, business, finally having 1k followers on Instagram or even the next step with your boo. Many of us have excelled, passed the status quotient in school, and even landed jobs in our field (nowadays that can be a task, all by itself). We always express a promise in whatever we ...

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How long should you stay in one job?

Three years is the maximum length of time anyone should stay in a job, declared actor Peter Capaldi when he explained why he was stepping down from the Dr Who role after four years. "I've never done one job for three years. This is the first time I've done this and I feel it's time for me to move on to different challenges," he said. It's a pretty short tenure compared...

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“Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?” Interview Question [Examples]

This article will show you: What interviewers mean when they ask, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” How to prepare examples of career goals for different interview situations. Examples of best answers for the “where do you see yourself in 5 years” question.

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5 steps for transitioning into a new job

One of the most exciting challenges in a professional’s career is starting a new job. However, this can also be an incredibly stressful and demanding time. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed but don't let that effect your performance. We've put together five easy steps to ensure the transition into your new role is as smooth as possible:

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